[BUG] (Good day. Just updated to OBS 27 and StreamFX and new Nvdia driver. StreamFx autotracking plugin no longer works. Worker perfectly with order version and obs 26) #566
dahalday posted onGitHub
Operating System
Windows 10 1903 and higher
OBS Studio Version?
27.0 (including Release Candidates)
StreamFX Version
Expected Behavior
Good day. Just updated to OBS 27 and StreamFX and new NVidia driver 466.63. StreamFx autotracking plugin no longer works. Worker perfectly with order versionStreamFx and OBS 26 and the older NVDIA driver.
Current Behavior
NVDIA auto tracking not working
Steps to Reproduce the Bug
No crashing of OBS. That feature just no longer works
OBS Studio Log
2021-06-05 19-27-04.txt
OBS Studio Crash Log
19:27:04.961: CPU Name: AMD FX(tm)-8350 Eight-Core Processor
19:27:04.961: CPU Speed: 4000MHz
19:27:04.961: Physical Cores: 4, Logical Cores: 8
19:27:04.961: Physical Memory: 16330MB Total, 13393MB Free
19:27:04.961: Windows Version: 10.0 Build 19042 (release: 2009; revision: 630; 64-bit)
19:27:04.961: Running as administrator: false
19:27:04.961: Aero is Enabled (Aero is always on for windows 8 and above)
19:27:04.961: Windows 10 Gaming Features:
19:27:04.961: Game Bar: Off
19:27:04.961: Game DVR: Off
19:27:04.961: Game DVR Background Recording: Off
19:27:04.961: Game Mode: Off
19:27:04.964: Sec. Software Status:
19:27:04.966: Microsoft Defender Antivirus: enabled (AV)
19:27:04.966: Windows Firewall: enabled (FW)
19:27:04.981: Current Date/Time: 2021-06-05, 19:27:04
19:27:04.981: Browser Hardware Acceleration: true
19:27:04.981: Portable mode: false
19:27:06.504: OBS 27.0.0 (64-bit, windows)
19:27:06.504: ---------------------------------
19:27:06.694: ---------------------------------
19:27:06.694: audio settings reset:
19:27:06.694: samples per sec: 48000
19:27:06.694: speakers: 2
19:27:06.749: ---------------------------------
19:27:06.750: Initializing D3D11...
19:27:06.750: Available Video Adapters:
19:27:06.752: Adapter 0: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER
19:27:06.752: Dedicated VRAM: 4126146560
19:27:06.752: Shared VRAM: 4267034624
19:27:06.752: PCI ID: 10de:1f06
19:27:06.753: Driver Version:
19:27:06.753: output 0: pos={0, 0}, size={1920, 1080}, attached=true, refresh=75, name=SB220Q
19:27:06.756: Loading up D3D11 on adapter NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER (0)
19:27:06.892: D3D11 loaded successfully, feature level used: b000
19:27:06.892: DXGI increase maximum frame latency success
19:27:06.892: D3D11 GPU priority setup failed (not admin?)
19:27:07.807: ---------------------------------
19:27:07.807: video settings reset:
19:27:07.807: base resolution: 1920x1080
19:27:07.807: output resolution: 1920x1080
19:27:07.807: downscale filter: Lanczos
19:27:07.807: fps: 30/1
19:27:07.807: format: NV12
19:27:07.807: YUV mode: 709/Full
19:27:07.807: NV12 texture support enabled
19:27:07.818: Audio monitoring device:
19:27:07.818: name: Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
19:27:07.818: id: {}.{691a549c-580b-48cc-9cdf-010dbe6e0558}
19:27:07.919: ---------------------------------
19:27:07.929: Skipping module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/chrome_elf.dll', not an OBS plugin
19:27:07.987: Skipping module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/concrt140.dll', not an OBS plugin
19:27:08.015: [CoreAudio encoder]: CoreAudio AAC encoder not installed on the system or couldn't be loaded
19:27:08.046: Failed to load 'en-US' text for module: 'decklink-captions.dll'
19:27:08.130: Failed to load 'en-US' text for module: 'decklink-ouput-ui.dll'
19:27:08.332: [AMF] Unable to load 'amfrt64.dll', error code 126.
19:27:08.334: [AMF] AMF Test failed due to one or more errors.
19:27:08.334: Failed to initialize module 'enc-amf.dll'
19:27:09.496: Skipping module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/libcef.dll', not an OBS plugin
19:27:09.519: Skipping module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/libEGL.dll', not an OBS plugin
19:27:09.606: Skipping module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/libGLESv2.dll', not an OBS plugin
19:27:09.717: Skipping module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/msvcp140.dll', not an OBS plugin
19:27:09.835: [obs-browser]: Version 2.14.3
19:27:09.835: [obs-browser]: CEF Version 75.1.16+g16a67c4+chromium-75.0.3770.100
19:27:10.300: NVENC supported
19:27:10.361: [noise suppress: Nvidia RTX denoiser disabled, redistributable not found]
19:27:10.508: [obs-ndi] hello ! (version 4.9.0)
19:27:10.508: [obs-ndi] Trying 'C:\Program Files\NewTek\NDI 4 Runtime\v4'
19:27:10.509: [obs-ndi] Found NDI library at 'C:/Program Files/NewTek/NDI 4 Runtime/v4/Processing.NDI.Lib.x64.dll'
19:27:10.791: [obs-ndi] NDI runtime loaded successfully
19:27:12.239: [obs-ndi] NDI library initialized successfully (NDI SDK WIN64 06:20:19 Apr 1 2020
19:27:12.811: Failed to load 'en-US' text for module: 'obs-ptzcontroller.dll'
19:27:14.648: [obs-websocket] you can haz websockets (version 4.8.0)
19:27:14.648: [obs-websocket] qt version (compile-time): 5.10.1 ; qt version (run-time): 5.15.2
19:27:14.748: [obs-websocket] module loaded!
19:27:14.846: Skipping module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/Qt5Network.dll', not an OBS plugin
19:27:14.848: Module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/Qt5Network.dll' not loaded
19:27:14.950: Skipping module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/SDL2.dll', not an OBS plugin
19:27:15.025: Failed to load 'en-US' text for module: 'StreamDeckPlugin.dll'
19:27:15.324: [StreamFX] Loading Version
19:27:19.551: [StreamFX] Loaded Version
19:27:19.639: Skipping module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/ucrtbase.dll', not an OBS plugin
19:27:19.702: Skipping module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/vccorlib140.dll', not an OBS plugin
19:27:19.713: Skipping module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/vcruntime140.dll', not an OBS plugin
19:27:19.913: VLC found, VLC video source enabled
19:27:20.645: Decklink API Compiled version 11.6
19:27:20.645: Decklink API Installed version 11.4
19:27:21.239: ---------------------------------
19:27:21.239: Loaded Modules:
19:27:21.239: win-wasapi.dll
19:27:21.239: win-mf.dll
19:27:21.239: win-dshow.dll
19:27:21.239: win-decklink.dll
19:27:21.239: win-capture.dll
19:27:21.239: vlc-video.dll
19:27:21.239: text-freetype2.dll
19:27:21.239: StreamFX.dll
19:27:21.239: StreamDeckPlugin.dll
19:27:21.239: rtmp-services.dll
19:27:21.239: obs-x264.dll
19:27:21.239: obs-websocket.dll
19:27:21.239: obs-vst.dll
19:27:21.239: obs-transitions.dll
19:27:21.239: obs-text.dll
19:27:21.239: obs-qsv11.dll
19:27:21.239: obs-ptzcontroller.dll
19:27:21.239: obs-outputs.dll
19:27:21.239: obs-ndi.dll
19:27:21.239: obs-filters.dll
19:27:21.239: obs-ffmpeg.dll
19:27:21.239: obs-browser.dll
19:27:21.239: image-source.dll
19:27:21.239: frontend-tools.dll
19:27:21.239: enc-amf.dll
19:27:21.239: decklink-ouput-ui.dll
19:27:21.239: decklink-captions.dll
19:27:21.239: coreaudio-encoder.dll
19:27:21.239: ---------------------------------
19:27:21.294: ==== Startup complete ===============================================
19:27:21.589: Switched to Preview/Program mode
19:27:21.589: ------------------------------------------------
19:27:21.693: All scene data cleared
19:27:21.693: ------------------------------------------------
19:27:22.196: WASAPI: Device 'Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)' [48000 Hz] initialized
19:27:22.278: [Loaded global audio device]: 'Desktop Audio'
19:27:22.278: - monitoring: monitor and output
19:27:22.332: WASAPI: Device 'Analogue 1 + 2 (Focusrite Usb Audio)' [96000 Hz] initialized
19:27:22.539: [noise suppress: 'Noise Suppression'] NVAFX redist is not installed.
19:27:22.545: adding 213 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 213 milliseconds (source: Wing AUX Out Main Mix)
19:27:23.089: [Loaded global audio device]: 'Wing AUX Out Main Mix'
19:27:23.089: - filter: 'Noise Suppression' (noise_suppress_filter)
19:27:23.089: - filter: 'Compressor' (compressor_filter)
19:27:23.089: - filter: 'Gain' (gain_filter)
19:27:23.089: - filter: 'Noise Gate' (noise_gate_filter)
19:27:23.089: - filter: 'VST 2.x Plug-in' (vst_filter)
19:27:23.089: - monitoring: monitor and output
19:27:23.211: WASAPI: Device 'IN 1-2 (BEHRINGER WING-USB)' [48000 Hz] initialized
19:27:23.212: [noise suppress: 'Noise Suppression'] NVAFX redist is not installed.
19:27:23.213: [Loaded global audio device]: 'Wing UBS Out Main Mix'
19:27:23.213: - filter: 'Gain' (gain_filter)
19:27:23.213: - filter: 'Compressor' (compressor_filter)
19:27:23.213: - filter: 'Noise Suppression' (noise_suppress_filter_v2)
19:27:23.281: [obs-ndi] started A/V threads for source 'CENTRALGOSPEL (SongShow Plus, OBS)'
19:27:23.282: [obs-ndi] A/V thread for 'Priase Lower Thirds' started
19:27:23.477: [Media Source 'Openeing_Music']: settings:
19:27:23.477: input: C:/Users/admin/Videos/Opening/Worship music with Sister Margaret.mp4
19:27:23.477: input_format: (null)
19:27:23.477: speed: 100
19:27:23.477: is_looping: no
19:27:23.477: is_hw_decoding: no
19:27:23.477: is_clear_on_media_end: yes
19:27:23.477: restart_on_activate: yes
19:27:23.477: close_when_inactive: no
19:27:23.483: [Media Source 'Opening Video']: settings:
19:27:23.483: input: D:/CGCP/Videos/OBS Videos to Stream/Virtual Entrance.mp4
19:27:23.483: input_format: (null)
19:27:23.483: speed: 100
19:27:23.483: is_looping: no
19:27:23.483: is_hw_decoding: no
19:27:23.483: is_clear_on_media_end: yes
19:27:23.483: restart_on_activate: yes
19:27:23.483: close_when_inactive: no
19:27:23.495: [obs-ndi] started A/V threads for source 'CENTRALGOSPEL (BibleShowNDI)'
19:27:23.496: [obs-ndi] A/V thread for 'BibleShow' started
19:27:27.304: ---------------------------------
19:27:27.304: [DShow Device: 'Camera 1'] settings updated:
19:27:27.304: video device: Decklink Video Capture
19:27:27.304: video path:
19:27:27.304: resolution: 1920x1080
19:27:27.304: flip: 0
19:27:27.304: fps: 59.94 (interval: 166833)
19:27:27.304: format: HDYC
19:27:27.397: ---------------------------------
19:27:27.397: [DShow Device: 'Screen 2'] settings updated:
19:27:27.397: video device: FHD Capture
19:27:27.397: video path: \?\usb#vid_1bcf&pid_2c99&mi_00#7&264f6503&1&0000#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\global
19:27:27.397: resolution: 1920x1080
19:27:27.397: flip: 0
19:27:27.397: fps: 60.00 (interval: 166666)
19:27:27.397: format: YUY2
19:27:52.073: warning: deprecated pixel format used, make sure you did set range correctly
19:27:52.206: warning: deprecated pixel format used, make sure you did set range correctly
19:27:52.246: [Media Source 'Count down']: settings:
19:27:52.246: input: C:/Users/admin/Videos/RealTimes/RealDownloader/2 Minute Countdown Timer.mp4
19:27:52.246: input_format: (null)
19:27:52.246: speed: 100
19:27:52.246: is_looping: no
19:27:52.246: is_hw_decoding: no
19:27:52.246: is_clear_on_media_end: yes
19:27:52.246: restart_on_activate: yes
19:27:52.246: close_when_inactive: no
19:27:52.250: [Media Source 'Closing Video']: settings:
19:27:52.250: input: D:/CGCP/Videos/OBS Videos to Stream/Closing II.mp4
19:27:52.250: input_format: (null)
19:27:52.250: speed: 100
19:27:52.250: is_looping: no
19:27:52.250: is_hw_decoding: no
19:27:52.250: is_clear_on_media_end: no
19:27:52.250: restart_on_activate: yes
19:27:52.250: close_when_inactive: no
19:27:52.261: [obs-ndi] started A/V threads for source 'DESKTOP-ENQ9SG1 (BibleShowNDI)'
19:27:52.262: [obs-ndi] A/V thread for 'Stream BibleShow' started
19:27:52.492: Switched to scene 'Left Cam'
19:27:52.530: ------------------------------------------------
19:27:52.530: Loaded scenes:
19:27:52.530: - scene 'Left Cam':
19:27:52.530: - source: 'Camera 1' (dshow_input)
19:27:52.530: - filter: 'NVIDIA Face Tracking' (streamfx-filter-nvidia-face-tracking)
19:27:52.530: - source: 'CGC' (text_gdiplus)
19:27:52.530: - source: 'BibleShow' (ndi_source)
19:27:52.530: - monitoring: monitor and output
19:27:52.530: - scene 'Rigth Cam':
19:27:52.530: - source: 'Camera2' (dshow_input)
19:27:52.530: - source: 'CGC' (text_gdiplus)
19:27:52.530: - source: 'BibleShow' (ndi_source)
19:27:52.530: - monitoring: monitor and output
19:27:52.530: - scene 'Front Cam':
19:27:52.530: - source: 'Camera3' (dshow_input)
19:27:52.530: - source: 'CGC' (text_gdiplus)
19:27:52.530: - source: 'BibleShow' (ndi_source)
19:27:52.530: - monitoring: monitor and output
19:27:52.530: - scene 'Three Cam':
19:27:52.530: - source: 'Camera 1' (dshow_input)
19:27:52.530: - filter: 'NVIDIA Face Tracking' (streamfx-filter-nvidia-face-tracking)
19:27:52.530: - source: 'Camera3' (dshow_input)
19:27:52.530: - source: 'Camera2' (dshow_input)
19:27:52.530: - scene 'Screen':
19:27:52.530: - source: 'Screen 2' (dshow_input)
19:27:52.530: - monitoring: monitor and output
19:27:52.530: - scene 'Screen & Cam':
19:27:52.530: - source: 'Screen 2' (dshow_input)
19:27:52.530: - monitoring: monitor and output
19:27:52.530: - source: 'Camera 1' (dshow_input)
19:27:52.530: - filter: 'NVIDIA Face Tracking' (streamfx-filter-nvidia-face-tracking)
19:27:52.530: - scene 'Screen Stage & Audience':
19:27:52.530: - source: 'Screen 2' (dshow_input)
19:27:52.530: - monitoring: monitor and output
19:27:52.530: - source: 'Camera 1' (dshow_input)
19:27:52.530: - filter: 'NVIDIA Face Tracking' (streamfx-filter-nvidia-face-tracking)
19:27:52.530: - source: 'Camera3' (dshow_input)
19:27:52.530: - scene 'Identification':
19:27:52.530: - source: 'CGC Address' (image_source)
19:27:52.530: - scene 'Title':
19:27:52.530: - source: 'Time' (text_gdiplus_v2)
19:27:52.530: - source: 'Church' (text_gdiplus)
19:27:52.530: - source: 'Date' (text_gdiplus)
19:27:52.530: - source: 'Live' (text_gdiplus_v2)
19:27:52.530: - scene 'Bible':
19:27:52.530: - source: 'Image' (image_source)
19:27:52.530: - scene 'Praise':
19:27:52.530: - source: 'Image 2' (image_source)
19:27:52.530: - scene '2:00 Count Down':
19:27:52.530: - source: 'Count down' (ffmpeg_source)
19:27:52.530: - scene 'Opening':
19:27:52.530: - source: 'Opening Video' (ffmpeg_source)
19:27:52.530: - monitoring: monitor and output
19:27:52.531: - scene 'Opening Music':
19:27:52.531: - source: 'Openeing_Music' (ffmpeg_source)
19:27:52.531: - monitoring: monitor and output
19:27:52.531: - scene 'Closing':
19:27:52.531: - source: 'Closing Video' (ffmpeg_source)
19:27:52.531: - monitoring: monitor and output
19:27:52.531: - scene 'Praise and Workship':
19:27:52.531: - source: 'Camera 1' (dshow_input)
19:27:52.531: - filter: 'NVIDIA Face Tracking' (streamfx-filter-nvidia-face-tracking)
19:27:52.531: - source: 'CGC' (text_gdiplus)
19:27:52.531: - source: 'BibleShow' (ndi_source)
19:27:52.531: - monitoring: monitor and output
19:27:52.531: - source: 'Stream BibleShow' (ndi_source)
19:27:52.531: - source: 'Priase Lower Thirds' (ndi_source)
19:27:52.531: ------------------------------------------------
19:27:52.566: ---------------------------------
19:27:52.566: [DShow Device: 'Camera2'] settings updated:
19:27:52.566: video device: Decklink Video Capture (4)
19:27:52.566: video path:
19:27:52.566: resolution: 1920x1080
19:27:52.566: flip: 0
19:27:52.566: fps: 59.94 (interval: 166833)
19:27:52.566: format: HDYC
19:27:52.599: ---------------------------------
19:27:52.599: [DShow Device: 'Camera3'] settings updated:
19:27:52.599: video device: Blackmagic WDM Capture (2)
19:27:52.599: video path: \?\decklink#avstream#6&1912feb2&0&0#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\decklinkcapture2
19:27:52.599: resolution: 1920x1080
19:27:52.599: flip: 0
19:27:52.599: fps: 60.00 (interval: 166667)
19:27:52.599: format: HDYC
19:27:52.610: using video device audio: yes
19:27:52.610: sample rate: 48000
19:27:52.610: channels: 2
19:27:52.610: audio type: Capture
19:27:52.663: [StreamFX] util::threadpool Worker 1 caught exception from task (0, 18ca14ed7c0) with message: nvidia::cuda::gstexture: Failed to register resource.
19:27:53.301: [obs-websocket] server started successfully on port 4444
19:27:53.302: [obs-ndi] starting NDI main output with name 'OBS'
19:27:53.310: [obs-websocket] io thread started
19:27:53.329: [obs-ndi] 'OBS': ndi output started
19:27:53.329: [obs-ndi] starting NDI preview output with name 'OBS Preview'
19:27:53.335: [obs-ndi] 'OBS Preview': ndi output started
19:28:12.176: User switched to scene 'Rigth Cam'
19:28:12.870: User switched to scene 'Front Cam'
19:28:13.647: User switched to scene 'Rigth Cam'
19:28:14.195: User switched to scene 'Left Cam'
19:29:40.074: User switched to scene 'Rigth Cam'
19:29:41.673: User switched to scene 'Left Cam'
19:29:42.550: User switched to scene 'Rigth Cam'
19:29:44.493: User switched to scene 'Left Cam'
19:29:51.228: User switched to scene 'Rigth Cam'
19:29:52.300: User switched to scene 'Left Cam'
19:31:13.925: User switched to scene 'Rigth Cam'
19:31:15.479: User switched to scene 'Front Cam'
19:31:17.490: User switched to scene 'Left Cam'
19:31:18.494: User switched to scene 'Rigth Cam'
19:31:19.108: User switched to scene 'Front Cam'
19:31:21.643: User switched to scene 'Left Cam'
19:31:34.591: User removed filter 'NVIDIA Face Tracking' (streamfx-filter-nvidia-face-tracking) from source 'Camera 1'
19:31:39.043: User switched to scene 'Rigth Cam'
19:31:49.852: User added filter 'NVIDIA Face Tracking' (streamfx-filter-nvidia-face-tracking) to source 'Camera2'
19:31:49.952: [StreamFX] util::threadpool Worker 3 caught exception from task (0, 18cc2a5e1b0) with message: nvidia::cuda::gstexture: Failed to register resource.
19:32:08.027: User switched to scene 'Left Cam'
19:33:00.964: User switched to scene 'Rigth Cam'
19:33:02.428: User switched to scene 'Left Cam'
19:34:42.311: [jim-nvenc: 'recording_h264'] settings:
19:34:42.311: rate_control: CBR
19:34:42.311: bitrate: 20000
19:34:42.311: cqp: 20
19:34:42.311: keyint: 250
19:34:42.311: preset: mq
19:34:42.311: profile: high
19:34:42.311: width: 1920
19:34:42.311: height: 1080
19:34:42.311: 2-pass: true
19:34:42.311: b-frames: 2
19:34:42.311: lookahead: false
19:34:42.311: psycho_aq: true
19:34:42.372: ---------------------------------
19:34:42.373: [FFmpeg aac encoder: 'Track1'] bitrate: 320, channels: 2, channel_layout: 3
19:34:42.434: ==== Recording Start ===============================================
19:34:42.434: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_file_output'] Writing file 'D:/CGCP/Videos/Raw/2021-06-05 19-34-42.mkv'...
19:36:20.274: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_file_output'] Output of file 'D:/CGCP/Videos/Raw/2021-06-05 19-34-42.mkv' stopped
19:36:20.274: Output 'adv_file_output': stopping
19:36:20.274: Output 'adv_file_output': Total frames output: 2923
19:36:20.274: Output 'adv_file_output': Total drawn frames: 2936
19:36:20.275: ==== Recording Stop ================================================
19:36:20.423: warning: 2 frames left in the queue on closing
19:36:22.898: [jim-nvenc: 'recording_h264'] settings:
19:36:22.898: rate_control: CBR
19:36:22.898: bitrate: 20000
19:36:22.898: cqp: 20
19:36:22.898: keyint: 250
19:36:22.898: preset: mq
19:36:22.898: profile: high
19:36:22.898: width: 1920
19:36:22.898: height: 1080
19:36:22.898: 2-pass: true
19:36:22.898: b-frames: 2
19:36:22.898: lookahead: false
19:36:22.898: psycho_aq: true
19:36:22.941: ---------------------------------
19:36:22.941: [FFmpeg aac encoder: 'Track1'] bitrate: 320, channels: 2, channel_layout: 3
19:36:22.964: ==== Recording Start ===============================================
19:36:22.965: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_file_output'] Writing file 'D:/CGCP/Videos/Raw/2021-06-05 19-36-22.mkv'...
19:36:27.732: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_file_output'] Output of file 'D:/CGCP/Videos/Raw/2021-06-05 19-36-22.mkv' stopped
19:36:27.732: Output 'adv_file_output': stopping
19:36:27.732: Output 'adv_file_output': Total frames output: 130
19:36:27.732: Output 'adv_file_output': Total drawn frames: 143
19:36:27.732: ==== Recording Stop ================================================
19:36:27.902: warning: 2 frames left in the queue on closing
19:36:45.149: User switched to scene 'Rigth Cam'
19:38:38.075: ---------------------------------
19:38:38.075: [DShow Device: 'Camera2'] settings updated:
19:38:38.075: video device: Decklink Video Capture (4)
19:38:38.075: video path:
19:38:38.075: resolution: 1920x1080
19:38:38.075: flip: 0
19:38:38.075: fps: 59.94 (interval: 166833)
19:38:38.075: format: HDYC
19:38:40.038: ---------------------------------
19:38:40.038: [DShow Device: 'Camera2'] settings updated:
19:38:40.038: video device: Decklink Video Capture (4)
19:38:40.038: video path:
19:38:40.038: resolution: 1920x1080
19:38:40.038: flip: 0
19:38:40.038: fps: 59.94 (interval: 166833)
19:38:40.038: format: HDYC
19:38:44.480: User removed filter 'NVIDIA Face Tracking' (streamfx-filter-nvidia-face-tracking) from source 'Camera2'
19:38:49.476: User switched to scene 'Left Cam'
19:39:12.697: User added filter 'NVIDIA Face Tracking' (streamfx-filter-nvidia-face-tracking) to source 'Camera 1'
19:39:12.792: [StreamFX] util::threadpool Worker 5 caught exception from task (0, 18cc24b8430) with message: nvidia::cuda::gstexture: Failed to register resource.
19:45:46.015: Max audio buffering reached!
19:45:46.015: adding 746 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 960 milliseconds (source: Camera3)
19:45:46.036: Source Camera3 audio is lagging (over by 86221.04 ms) at max audio buffering. Restarting source audio.
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