
my streamFX obs does not have the 3D transform #462

babyfatina posted onGitHub

I downloaded the streamFX bundle for obs because i needed the 3d transform plugin but when i installed it i found out that i have the other plugins except the 3d transform. I tried to reinstall it, to look for update, to update obs, but still nothing to do.

10.0.19041 Windows 10 pro AMD ryzen 5 3600 6 core processor GeForce RTX 2060 32Gb Ram Immagine 2021-02-10 135211

Looks like you are using a pre-release version. You should go back and install the latest stable full release version. It should be 0.9.3 if I remember correctly

posted by MattyFresh68 about 4 years ago

It looks like you are using pre-release versions, which are unsupported for production use. They are offered purely for testing, and as such receive no support. If you wish to go back to the last stable version, use the version provided by this link.

posted by Xaymar about 4 years ago

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