
I downloaded the Zip file and extracted to OBS folder but it is not showing up. #424

That1guykaiser posted onGitHub

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<!-- Please describe the problem in its entirety. --> I directly extracted the zip file into the program files folder for OBS and have even tried extracting them to other places in the OBS folder but nothing the plug in has shows up. at all.

log files.txt

<!-- If you have screenshots of the broken behavior, please attach them. -->

<!-- Additionally, if you have log files, please ATTACH them. Do not paste them into this -->

System Information

<!-- Either fill out the following or attach a DxDiag file. -->

  • Software Version: [e. g. 1.0.0, 1.2.1, ... - NEVER LATEST]

  • Operating System Microsoft Windows 10 Home

  • Kernel Version: [e. g. 1903/1809 (Windows), 4.12 (Linux), ...]

  • CPU: Intel (R) Core (TM) i5-8400 Cpu @ 2.80 GHz

  • GPU: MSI Geforce GTX 1050 TI

  • RAM: 16.0

StreamFX.dll is not present in the loaded modules. Please follow the installation guide on the wiki.

posted by Xaymar about 4 years ago

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