
OBS Studio not hiding in system tray after installing StreamFX 0.9.0 #343

Seamas73 posted onGitHub


After I've installed StreamFX 0.9.0 I cannot hide OBS Studio in system tray by clicking on system-tray OBS icon or by right click on icon and choosing "hide" item of the context menu. When I click on icon I just turn off the preview mode In OBS Studio. When I use StreamFX 0.9.0 alpha 3 or 0.8.3 I can hide OBS Studio in system tray by clicking on OBS icon or choosing "hide" in context menu 2020-09-28 11-09-50.txt

System Information


I can confirm the "Hide" option not working, but it also does not work without StreamFX for me.

posted by Xaymar over 4 years ago

I can confirm the "Hide" option not working, but it also does not work without StreamFX for me.

Another plugin, which breaked "hide" option in my obs studio, is obs-ndi v.4.9.0 and below. I had to delete it to use "hide" option. Now I have to use v.0.9.0 alpha 3 of StreamFX instead of release to use "hide" option.

posted by Seamas73 over 4 years ago

Confirmed and reported upstream. Working on a workaround.

posted by Xaymar over 4 years ago

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