
NVENC error when start recording #285

foxsprout posted onGitHub

Hello, this is my first initialization (or rather, the consistent reproducable errors), and I encountered these 2 errors.

Firstly, when I just started OBS and I press record (I just set it up on record first), I got "an encoder error occured while recording" message. When I press record for the second (and third and so on) time, I got "Starting output failed. Please check log for details. Note: If you're using NVENC or AMD encoders, make sure your video drivers are up to date".

Here is the log: https://pastebin.com/BUzrQd52

System Information

  • Software Version: 0.8.0
  • Operating System: Windows 10 Pro
  • Kernel Version: 2004 (build 19041.388)
  • CPU: i7-9700KF
  • GPU: Nvidia RTX 2070 Super
  • RAM: 16GB

Please fix your title to be actually relevant to the issue, the current one doesn't even make sense for the issue.

As for your log file, it is quite clear on the issue. Something you have set or installed is preventing the use of NVENC. It could be as simple as a lack of video memory, or as complex as a corrupted driver install that requires the use of DDU.

posted by Xaymar over 4 years ago

Oh sorry, for additional info; I tried reverting back the settings using OBS's included NVENC and it worked just fine

posted by foxsprout over 4 years ago

Unfortunately there isn't much i can do. You have to figure out which one of the settings you've set is causing the problem.

posted by Xaymar over 4 years ago

Just DDU'd and roll back to previous driver version (451.67), and even trying the alpha version (0.9.0) still same error. obsstreamfx1 obsstreamfx2 obsstreamfx3

posted by foxsprout over 4 years ago

See previous message where I instructed you to test each setting for which one is causing it. Failures likes this are usually related to user settings, or system instability.

posted by Xaymar over 4 years ago

Looking at the screenshots provided, you have set "Decoded Picture Buffer Size". This is one of the common causes on Systems which do not support this parameter.

posted by Xaymar over 4 years ago

I'm sorry but I'm here looking for support because I tried changing each parameter to different values, and ended up with the screenshot I provided, and it returned the same error over and over again. I even tried changing color profiles and deleting scenes just to see how it affects my problem.

Is something outside OBS worth checking out? If yes, what can you suggest? Settings on Nvidia Control Panel? Is "hardware-accelerated GPU" required? I'm certainly looking for something I may overlook.

Regarding "Decoded Picture Buffer Size", what value do you suggest I input here? I tried "-1", "0", and "16" as screenshot above.

posted by foxsprout over 4 years ago

You should set it to -1. In both screenshots you have it set to 16, which seems to be the reason your settings are failing.

posted by Xaymar over 4 years ago

Yes, it was the last thing I tried, then I screenshot. I'll try it in a few hours when I'm at my PC. What about standard compliance? The default was strict.

posted by foxsprout over 4 years ago

Standard compliance is ignored by NVENC. Only some encoders use it, it's there by default as they all share the same FFmpeg code.

posted by Xaymar over 4 years ago

Just got back and tried your suggestion. It's not working. I tried other encoders included with StreamFX (such as NVENC hevc via FFmpeg) and even other "NVENC h264 (via FFmpeg)". I honestly don't understand the real difference, just the menu is different to my eyes (one has way more options, and the other has simple option): obsstreamfx4

Is there any other suggestion or maybe further info you'd like to know?

posted by foxsprout over 4 years ago

Tracked it down to the "Rescale Output" and "Decoded Picture Buffer" options. For now, don't use either of those.

posted by Xaymar over 4 years ago

Just found the culprit. It was "Zero Latency Mode". When turned back to default, it's working fine. However, I have another issue, most likely related to FFmpeg and unrelated to this, so I think I'm closing this one. Thanks for your responses.

posted by foxsprout over 4 years ago

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