
Error Or Bug in OBS #280

MagmaBois posted onGitHub


Umm, hello, I have been using OBS studio for my Making of youtube videos and it has never happened before so please can Obs Team help me with this, I can't explain everything but I only have a picture. Help OBS

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<!-- Additionally, if you have log files, please ATTACH them. Do not paste them into this -->

**### System Information

<!-- Either fill out the following or attach a DxDiag file. -->

  • 20.04
  • Operating System: Ubuntu.
  • Kernel-Version: 4.12 (Linux)
  • CPU: Intel i9
  • GPU: Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
  • RAM: 32GB**

Can't say much without a log file.

posted by Xaymar over 4 years ago

Same here, if there's no further input within the next 5 days, I'll close this.

posted by Xaymar over 4 years ago

Can you state exactly what the problem is in words, what your expectations are and why they're not being met? The picture doesn't show or describe any problem, nor indicate why you think this is a problem with the StreamFX plugin.

Looking at the picture I just see a blank unconfigured OBS scene collection with no sources in it. The sources pane even says "You don't have any sources" and tells you what to do.

If you need help learning how to use the OBS program, you may want to join the OBS forums or Discord server and use the #support-portal to determine which support channel is best for the help you need to learn how to use OBS.

Hope this helps.

posted by skeletonbow over 4 years ago

5 days have passed, and therefore this is being closed.

posted by Xaymar over 4 years ago

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