
How to disable the About dialog from showing on startup? #279

unfa posted onGitHub


Once I installed StreamFX and run OBS I saw an about screen pop up. I thought it's just a one-time thing, but it shows up every time I start OBS, which is really annoying.

System Information

Manjaro Linux, installed StreamFX from AUR: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/obs-streamfx

Check your user configuration directory (usually ~/.config/obs-studio/plugin_config/StreamFX/) for a file called config.json. In my case, the contents of the file are:

    "UI.HaveShownAboutStreamFX": true,
    "Version": 38654705665

This file and the content needs to be present for the check to not fail.

posted by Xaymar over 4 years ago

Thanks, so I guess if I have this file present, StreamFX will stop showing the About dialog at each run?

posted by unfa over 4 years ago

Ok, the StreamFX subdirectory wasn't present. I've added it and the json file, restarted OBS and no more About dialog - thank you!

posted by unfa over 4 years ago

Thanks, so I guess if I have this file present, StreamFX will stop showing the About dialog at each run?

Yes. It's supposed to automatically create it, but something seems to have prevented that from happening. Chances are that the person compiling it used a standard c++ library where this check isn't fully implemented or working: https://github.com/Xaymar/obs-StreamFX/blob/master/source/configuration.cpp#L33

posted by Xaymar over 4 years ago

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