
Dynamic Mask - Question #244

StrikerFRFX posted onGitHub

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I'm looking for a way to achieve the result attached on my stream. This is using some sort of blend, I don't know how it works. Is this Dynamic Mask?

System Information

<!-- Either fill out the following or attach a DxDiag file. -->

  • Software Version: [25.0.8? unsure]
  • Operating System: [Windows 10]
  • Kernel Version: [1909]
  • CPU: [Intel Core i9]
  • GPU: [RTX 2080ti]
  • RAM: [16GB]


posted by StrikerFRFX over 4 years ago

Dynamic Mask can achieve similar results to Overlay, Multiply and Mix blending. For any other kind of blending, you would likely want to use shaders.

posted by Xaymar over 4 years ago

Okay, I'm pretty sure this one is addition. So how would I be able to achieve the effect of the album art being added to the text but slightly blurred at the same time? Is it possible I can use shaders from a source already existing (that I can apply a blur to that I'm happy with)?


posted by StrikerFRFX over 4 years ago

Nvm it's multiply.

posted by StrikerFRFX over 4 years ago

So my friend sent me a list of what he did but I just dunno the settings for it and can't get the same effect !image

posted by StrikerFRFX over 4 years ago

You will probaly have to ask your friend on how he did it. This issue tracker is more meant for support in using the features, not in generic support for using OBS.

posted by Xaymar over 4 years ago

Closing as there has been no further activity.

posted by Xaymar over 4 years ago

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