
Search box misses quickly typed characters #2843

tewe posted onGitHub

Current behavior

In this screenshot I typed "android", but only every third letter got through, probably because it was busy searching.

<img width="800" alt="boostnote" src="">

Expected behavior

Only apply the filter after the user stops typing for n milliseconds.


  • Version : 0.11.13
  • OS Version and name : macOS 10.13.6

Also when I try to search for multiple times, sometimes the cursor jump to the editor (the focus switch to the editor) and my search input will be typed in the editor. Another reason is the max listener error on line:jump event. image

posted by ZeroX-DG about 6 years ago

still not fixed in 0.11.15

posted by necan about 6 years ago

I have both issues too. Sometimes the cursor jump to the editor and the search box misses quickly typed characters.

  • Version : 0.11.15
  • OS Version and name : Ubuntu 18.04.02
posted by Lodeiro0001 about 6 years ago

I have come here to report the jumping focus issue, as well - and I would like to point out that this is really a serious issue.

I have already "vandalized" multiple notes of my own, because I typed into the search box, a part of my query ended up in the beginning of a note (thereby invalidating the headline formatting I usually start with in Markdown notes), but as I didn't realize that (while searching, I typically focus my visual attention on the filtered notes list, not on the note editor), I kept searching and later on didn't know notes were unintentionally changed.

posted by fhaag about 6 years ago

Same here i think this is biggest issue in boostnote. You can't just ignore this issue like other minor issues because you feel it 20 times in a day and you have to write slowly and be sure focus not switched to note.

posted by metehan about 6 years ago

Yes, it's very annoying bug. 😥

Windows 10 x64

posted by rofiqsetiawan about 6 years ago

I'm so glad others are having this issue, I was thinking I was going crazy...

posted by df-dev about 6 years ago

Same here, I don't know how many and how often I changed my notes during searching for them. Should be fixed asap, it's very annoying.

Win 10 Pro 64bit

posted by chrnoe almost 6 years ago

@boostio has funded $60.00 to this issue.

posted by IssueHuntBot almost 6 years ago

I'll be firing up a PR momentarily that should address this issue. 🤞

posted by seanders almost 6 years ago

Still happening on latest release under Ubuntu 18.04 & Windows 10

On version 11.10 this did not happen, which is the version I'm using on all my devices ATM to get rid of this bug.

posted by David-Lor almost 6 years ago

Still happening on latest release under Ubuntu 18.04 & Windows 10

On version 11.10 this did not happen, which is the version I'm using on all my devices ATM to get rid of this bug.

Same here. Still not fixed in 11.17.

posted by Lodeiro0001 almost 6 years ago

Fixed in v0.12.0-0 🙏 @Rokt33r

Where is the binary for Windows and the description? 😶

posted by Lodeiro0001 over 5 years ago

@Lodeiro0001 This is a prerelease build for testing features before going to a full release.

As for the missing Windows binary, we are running into some build/file-size problems that we hopefully can fix in the upcoming days.

posted by Flexo013 over 5 years ago

@zerox-dg has rewarded $54.00 to @awolf81. See it on IssueHunt

  • :moneybag: Total deposit: $60.00
  • :tada: Repository reward(0%): $0.00
  • :wrench: Service fee(10%): $6.00
posted by issuehunt-app[bot] almost 5 years ago

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