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Recent activities
Add props to config datepicker year format
Problem with submenu in horizontal top navigation menu with iPad
Please consider fixing the ARIA roles for your <Select> component - children need listbox aria roles.
Option to add ellipsis (...) to table cells, headers when content doesn't fit
Antd Input: To use with react-number-format customInput feature.
tags: support preset colors for checkable mode
Allow for Customization of the Table Expandable Row Icon
custom tooltips on menu.item
Accessibility issue for 'combobox' inside 'Calendar' component - Certain ARIA roles must contain particular children
Slider tooltip in modal scrolling with page
Table scroll support overflow auto and min-height
[select with search enabled] select dropdown menu is misplaced and will overlap the input component
Losing focus when click over a table row (only on Chrome)
Affix bottom offset do not work when page init without scroll
DatePicker RangePicker input illegal date without tips
[TreeSelect] can not get halfChecked in onChange value?
onBlur fired on controlled Mention component when selecting an item from a list using click
<Modal /> doesn't work well at concurrent mode
Form: 为 onFieldsChange() 提供一个无 nested 版本
Menu in sider does not render if sider is default collapsed with collapsed width 0 and the menu is connected
References to 'this' at the top level of modules
Affix Component show disorderly after page resize
Hide error information when the formitem focus
TimePicker to support multiple input formats
Problem with change lang for single element on RangePicker (select time, select data)
Font-family in IE11 and Linux defaulting to serif font
Only first Form Item error is shown after validation fails
Use create-react-app in typescript guideline documentation
Transfer component should have Draggable functionality
Enhance Theme Config Pane in Footer
Calendar Events View
Affix left offset doesn't update
Button Icon size don't work when using Dropdown
treeselect 设置父节点selectable=false不可选择时, 可以双击展开
Provide prop `autoAdjustOverflow` to turn off automatic adjust popup placement when popup is off screen
Safari: call setState in 'onFocus' and 'onBlur' for RangePicker, lead to 'focus <-> blur' infinite loop
xl, xxl push and pull is not working | bug
高分辨率屏幕下css height计算不正确导致布局错位
List is too big in file size after webpack bundle
Add & Remove Tabs and State Management
If min prop is set on InputNumber component in FormItem.Enter a non-number will be formatted to 0.00 rather than min
Select filterOption limits the creation of new tags
Improvement in RangePicker component
【Table & InputNumber】columns中render使用InputNumber组件,移动鼠标的时候会出现,已被select的InputNumber组件中的值,被取消选中。
Table TreeData load data asynchronously display the loading animations.
DatePicker cause the page jumping in chome if bottom size is not enough. terrible!!
If carousel contains the function setState per second, then carousel will not rotate.
Make it possible to directly turn a Slider into a flexbox
Option to anchor Sider Menu Items to the bottom of sider
No way to show aggregation statistics data in table
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